Domain pricing
TLD | Registration / Renewal | Transfer |
---|---|---| | R99 | Free | (non premium) | R99 | R99 |
.com | R189 | R189 |
.net | R199 | R199 |
.org | R189 | R189 |
.biz | R199 | R199 |
.co | R299 | R299 |
.xyz | R189 | R189 |
.joburg | R259 | R259 |
.capetown | R259 | R259 |
.durban | R259 | R259 |
.me | R299 | R299 |
.info | R149 | R149 |
.mobi | R299 | R299 |
.tv | R549 | R549 |
.name | R149 | R149 |
.africa | TBA | TBA |
Frequently asked questions
What is a domain name and why do I need one?
A domain name is your web address without the www. portion, and it also forms part of your email address.
All websites and email addresses on the internet are actually identified and contacted via sets of numbers called IP addresses, which are almost like telephone numbers.
Domain names provide an easy way for people to visit your website by converting an easy-to-remember, marketable name to the IP address representing your website and email address.
How long does it take to register a domain?
Domain registration is processed instantly after payment is received and it takes about 1 hour for it to be accessible.
The domain I want isn't listed, can you help me?
We support most common top level domains (TLDs) and in some cases (eg: African domains) we can secure certain domains for you on request. Please contact our sales team.